Mom, I love you

Dear Mom, I don't need a special day to remind me how much you are awesome and how much I love you. Thank you.

Happy Mother's day!

Everyday should be Mother's day.

I was such a rebellious child. My mom and I didn't really get along. As a pre-teen when we moved to Lebanon from Montreal, right after the war ended, or sort of ended, I was so angry at her. It is only recently after I had my first child, a daughter who apparently is as energetic and hyper as I was, that I saw my mother in a new light. I suddenly understood a few things. One day, as I watched my newborn sleeping I felt overwhelmed with gratitude and compassion for my mother. It was then that I understood my mother's unconditional love. I took so much for granted. This mother's day, take the chance to send your mom a note from the heart. Take her out for dinner, cook for her, cover her with hugs and kisses. You don't need to buy her anything, just be there and be present. Cherish her.

Not to forget Earth. Mother Earth. Yeah. We are all floating in space on Mother-Ship Earth and we need to wish Mother-Earth a Happy Mother's day too.

Sending you all much love!


p.s.: I am so sorry we are sold-out on most of our prints! However we are in production as we speak and aim to be ready to ship all of the pre-orders in the first week of June. Thank you so much for your support. It's thanks to all of you that I can take this company to the next level. 

Merci. Thank you!



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