Everyday is Earth Day

This is not a Manifesto. This is in honor of Earth Day + Fashion Revolution Day. 
Once upon a time, the first humans were beginning to adapt and survive on Planet Earth. In a short amount of centuries, humans took over the Planet and began to manipulate their environment. Today, we realize that Earth's resources aren't infinite but finite. This is a picture of the last rhino alive. 

And over here is an image of the last Eastern Cougar. 
From the New York Times article declaring it was extinct;

Either way, the “Eastern” cougar as such is no longer with us. Any recent sightings in the cougar’s historic range, which stretched from eastern Ontario and Michigan eastward to Maine and southward to Georgia, Tennessee and Missouri, were actually sightings of its relatives, the Fish and Wildlife Service said.

“It’s extinct,” said Mark McCollough, a wildlife biologist with the agency’s offices in Maine, referring to the official determination by his agency.

“But it’s not?” he was asked.

“But it’s not,” he confirmed. “It may well return to part of its range.”



So we believe in change. We take a stand and believe that a) things can last, and we make it our mission to have everything part of Slow Factory have meaning, utility and come from natural fabrics and paper so that it can bio degrade not harming the planet. b) things can be made consciously and we can chose to change our behavior towards consumption and consume wisely by contributing to a network of good causes that will - at the end of the day - make a positive change in this world.


Join us in our efforts to preserve our planet with the WWF.

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