How to take care of your scarf and clean it is very easy just don't ever put it in the washing machine or the dryer.
To Clean Silk
- Silk is a natural protein fiber. Do not use chlorine bleach to clean silk; chlorine will damage the silk fabric
- Avoid drying silk in direct sunlight as sunlight for a prolonged period will damage the silk fabric
- Substances containing alcohol will damage silk fabric. So let your perfume and hairspray dry before dressing
Hand Washing Silk is Highly Recommended
The best way to wash silk is to use cold water and natural soap such as Savon de Marseille, Doctor Bronner or baby soap.
- Do not soak silk for any more than a few minutes should be avoided
- Do not use harsh detergents that contain bleaches or brighteners
- Do not wring or twist; roll in towel to extract water
To Iron Silk
- If necessary, press the silk garment inside out while damp using cool iron setting (“Silk” setting on the iron)
- Do not wet locally as this may cause rings
- Too much heat can dull, pucker, or burn silk fabric
- Most wrinkles in silk can be removed by hanging the garment in the bathroom during a shower. Let humidity do the ironing for you!
Cleaning Silk: Wrinkle Removal Tips
- Minor silk wrinkles should disappear if the garment is hung overnight
- Stubborn wrinkles can be removed with a cool iron set on "silk"
- Better yet, hang your silk garment in the bathroom during a shower. Humidity will remove the wrinkles for you
- Pack your silk garments as you would any other clothing. Simply hang the garment after unpacking. Minor wrinkles should disappear overnight
- Better yet, hang your garment in the bathroom during a shower. The humidity will remove the wrinkles for you
More information can be found here about precautions to take for washing and drying silk.