On April 22 each year, we celebrate Earth Day. This year marks 47 years since the first Earth Day, and in that time, a lot has changed on this planet that we call home.
Earth Day began in 1970, a year after a massive oil spill took place in Santa Barbara, off the California coast. Organized by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson, the first Earth Day drew crowds of over 20 million people across the country.
Since it’s conception, Earth Day celebrations have flourished around the world. People get together to plant trees, clean up trash from around their communities, donate used clothing and electronics, and create dialogue about how to address the issues facing our planet.
But today’s Earth is hurting. Since 1970, the population of vertebrate animals has fallen by a staggering 58 percent. This year, NASA reported that the sea ice caps in both the Arctic and Antarctic had sunk to record lows, following a steady decline since 1980.
With the Trump Administration’s eagerness to cut funding to the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Agency’s new chief denying basic facts about climate change, the fight to save Mother Earth has never been more necessary.
It’s important to treat everyday like Earth Day. We can all recycle more, use less plastic, and try riding a bike instead of driving. If you’re inspired, learn more today about how you can take action to help the Earth.
This post was originally published on Medium.