My Journey From Middle East Refugee To Fashion Designer

My Journey From Middle East Refugee To Fashion Designer

I wrote my very first personal essay on Refinery 29. Would love your feedback! 

This is the picture of our refugee status back in the 80's when we escaped Lebanon's civil war. It is among the few pictures from my past that we managed to save. Notice how my mom looks amazing while probably inside her is a tornado of feelings.

My earliest memory is fleeing war-torn Lebanon when I was three and a half years old. My father had safely made it abroad and was waiting for my mother, my younger sister, and me to join him, holding on to hope that he’d see his family once again. As we said our good-byes, I remember the wet kisses from our relatives; I remember the sobs and the tearful wishes for our uncertain future. We were leaving our homeland as refugees, hoping to re-establish the meaning of “home” somewhere safe.

Read full article on Refinery 29 here "My Journey From Middle East Refugee To Fashion Designer".

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